February 2020

Market Watch - 2020 Opens With a Slight Gain in Sales

We started 2020 where 2019 left off, with very strong growth in the number of sales up against a continued dip in the number of new and available listings. Tighter market conditions compared to a year ago resulted in much stronger growth in average selling prices. Steady population growth, low unemployment and low borrowing costs continued to underpin substantial competition between buyers in all major market segments.

Are You Ready for RRSP Season?

RRSP season is upon us! Time to go through the couch covers and scrounge up the last of our savings to make that all-important contribution. Let’s look at some fundamental concepts of RRSPs.

Design Ideas for Building a Garden Fence

A garden fence is probably the most important element of garden design. The more the fence looks attractive and welcoming the more you and your guests will feel comfortable. In some ways, a garden will appear incomplete without a fence. A garden fence not only adds to the overall beauty of the garden but also gives the entire landscape a more complete look. A fence can be erected around the front yard, backyard or around the entirety of the property. Adequate fencing adds to the security of your house and property as well.

Is an Open House Worth the Effort?

Open houses require a lot of preparation and are inconvenient to the home occupants and the selling agent. Many agents now refuse to hold open houses, considering them a waste of time and a security threat. And many sellers prefer to open their doors to serious buyers only.

Choosing The Right Neighbourhood

Whether buying or renting, you should be choosy about the neighbourhood you move into. And if you have a family, there are even more factors to consider. So before you move, research your options; get to know the area, spend some time on its streets, in its cafes and walk along its sidewalks. Just like any relationship, feel it out before you move just to make sure it's a good fit.

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